Saturday, January 5, 2013


A farting chef. Let me break that small sentence down for you. That man can cook. He is a god damn chef somewhere in the NYC's west village. He is an extrovert, bold and fun. His sense of humor is amazing, and he feels pretty confident about himself. You would have to be confident in your relationships to know that you can back that ass up around people and fart all over them. The people around him clearly love him, or there is no way that it could have gone on for the 37 days he claimed it has. He wants to write a book detailing each fart, on each person, throughout those 37 days.
Ummmmm, are we not best friends?!

I found one article that doubted the farting spree. They are quoted as saying this,
"We're not sure if we believe the bizarre account quite yet. Penis dumplings? Sure."

So, they believe in dick dumplings, but not in some musical, playful b-hole activity? Stop it. I don't see where it is such a stretch. When we have gone out to the bar, I have pressed my ass cheeks against many friends and gave them a little gift on their leg. It usually results in me getting shoved 3 ft across the room, but I think they secretly love it. In a kitchen though, that might get a little dangerous. I hope he's so careful! I also looked for his Craigslist posting, but it must have been pulled. No doubt directly related to copious amounts of marriage proposals and e-mails of adoration. I know that's why I was searching for it, so excuse me while I swoon.
And listen up chef shitter, *toot-toot* to you for sharing your fantastic farty-pants.  XOXOXO

Oh, and in semi-related news, this is me after a nice batch of spicy meatballs. My mother in-law did this to me.

                                                                                Cold skin, hot shits.
                                                                                **Photo courtesy of Girth.


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