Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Cancelled Hiatus.

     Seven years. I have not blogged about my asshole or sex life or kids or 7 years. I've just been doing a lot of over-sharing on social media. Sending half nudes to friends and my sister. Now that I am blogging again though, you will ALL get to see them too! Reading through some of my old blogs was a real treat. I bet my husband would also love to read through them, reminiscing about the days before I grew out of giving mouth hugs. Maybe it will stir something up and I'll do it again. Probably fucking not though. Better chance of me bathing alone or shitting without an audience.  My mouth is for eating carbs and lying about giving blowjobs. That is it. I did just watch him rim his finger around his nostril and then drag his finger on the couch cushion, so I am getting hot. 
    So, about that seven years. I may care less about sharing an abundance of inappropriateness than I ever did then. Acceptance of myself, my mind, my body...are at an all time high. You are not obligated to enjoy me. You are not obligated to love the way my new cut out swimsuit beautifully frames my fat rolls. You are not obligated to judge me on not blowing my husband. It's all ok. And it's all going to get better. 

Here are my new curtains. 
Because this is what getting excited at almost 41 years old looks like.