Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Women are scandalous. Plain and simple. They are all lesbionic when it comes to boobs. Everyone loves a good boob. We went out the other night, and I had that proven to me, time and time again. Female friends as well as strangers. It was like my tits had invitations plastered to them. One lady, a complete stranger wearing a a dick necklace that flashed like a disco ball ran up to me, and titty banged me with it. Then hugged me before resuming her sweet dance moves. She seriously hugged me after...may had well thrown a twenty on the bed side table. I had conversations with people, only to look down and see the hand of someone else just laying on my boob. They were slapped, grabbed, jiggled, motorboated, and manhandled every which way. And all by the ladies. What is it about women and boobs, that it is just normal, it is just peachy to reach out and get a handful of anothers woman's jugs? Now, don't get me wrong, I am not saying that care, or mind at all. I like my friends, I like my boobs, whatever. Even the strange dick necklace lady. Whatever. I just think that girls feel entitled to other girls boobs. Just like baby belly's. But, you start pawing at the wrong gals baby belly, and you just might feel a wrath like no other. It seems like protruding parts of the female anatomy are just up for grabs. Good thing we don't have wieners. Je-sus. Mine would probably be huge and I would probably have to beat bitches off with it.
Whatever the titty issue is though, it isn't anything new. I think it was just in overdrive this weekend. Maybe I looked super duper pretty, because I also got kissed. Twice. Obviously if I ever want to switch teams, I'll be a VIP.
Nice girl.


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