Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Bitchfest #2- Gay.

How absolutely ridiculous that North Carolina made the decision to legally deny the right of marriage to gay people. Congratulations to your ignorant state on being the last of the southern states to ban a loving union between two people who have the same junk in their pants. Hope you sleep tight at night wrapped up tight in your narrow-minded oblivion. I hope you all fall into a homophobic coma.
Lets not forget the other perk of Amendment 1, the loss of health benefits for all domestic partners....and their children. What's the religious argument for this, Adam & Eve not Adam & Steve? Well, last I knew, Adam & Eve weren't interracial either, but those marriages aren't banned. Why the difference? Why are any two people in love and willing to make a lifetime commitment any different than any others? Why does that religious argument even matter? I have never even heard of Adam and Eves wedding. Aside even from that, with marriage being so sacred to the religious community fighting to keep gays from apparently destroying the sanctity of it, Adam had Lilith before he had Eve, so wheres the sanctity in that? Giving one lady the boot because she wasn't subservient, to take on another who was.
Bottom line-North Carolina, along with many other states of the south, suck balls. Their decisions are the reasons our nation lags in moving forward and making history. Perhaps they should thumb through history books and check out all of the revolutions, rights given, and amendments made in equality. How is it that the government can impose laws protecting gays from discrimination in the workplace, but then allow states to individually decide whether or not they have the same right to marriage as anyone else? Discriminatory acts against the gay community can be construed as hate crimes, but allowing them to marry is blasphemy? What a gross tangled web of church, state, human rights, and freedom.


  1. Adrienne5/09/2012

    If you ask me it's really just a last ditch effort to stake their collective repressive social claim in a world where quiet frankly, no one gives a flying fuck what other people think of them anymore. I say rock on to anybody who is courageous enough to be themselves, bonus points if you're also a decent human being. Who cares what anybody else does. Like seriously... sinners....we better not give them rights! What those pushy law makers forgot to notice is that sinners would rather ask for forgiveness than permission. ; ) In my opinion, it's an unconstitutional law. The laws are always behind society in evolution and sometimes their misused. At one time interracial marriages were illegal too.

  2. lemonlylimily5/09/2012

    I say another Civil war..solved a lot with the last one! :-) Also, don't take anything the south does personally...they're dumb as sin down there and over 10 years behind the rest of the country...we lived there for 2 1/2 years and I swear I'm an angrier person because of it.

  3. Some of the people that make these laws do these things in private, but are against them in public. They are such hypocrites! Bravo President Obabma!


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