Monday, July 14, 2014


The last time I made a post was May 19th. The one where I lied and said that I would re-post my bod in 30 days to show my weightloss. Where I said no carbs, and I would be working out. All lies. Well, I did end up refraining from carbs, for some of the time. Definitely didn't exercise, continue the squats, or ab challenge. Fuck it. On May 19th I tipped the scale at 160. Almost 2 months later, 150 pounds is wrapped around my bones. My body was crazy and way bloated- waiting on a red tide that I never thought would come. And then one morning it did. I woke up at 4 a.m. because I thought a small troll and tunneled through my vagina and starting ripping a weedwhacker all up in and around my abdomen. Got up to pee and it looked like the high point of a horror movie. Within 3 days, I lost 6 pounds. My body raged, from my knees to my teets. I also had the first best poop since having Charlee. It was the size of a toddlers arm. Chris had to buy an industrial plunger for my industrial sized poo. My body seriously unloaded 6 lbs worth of fluid and literal shit within 3 days. Here's the total 10 pound loss results:
Now maybe I will work for another 10lbs.
See if I can't shake off some of that moose knuckle.


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