Monday, September 9, 2013

Maybe it's a mean day.

Obviously pregnancy is not all glory. Quitting smoking, drinking, and caffeine all in one day has taken its toll. I want mimosas for breakfast and Bloody Mary's for dinner. I want to empty a pot of coffee before 8 in the morning. I want to ride the meat train to pound town around the clock.
Just kidding, I haven't stopped doing that yet. No plans to either.
Pictures of bar shenanigans make me feel left out. I want to be a pyramid topper, fall on my face and do too many shots. I want to eat unhealthy food and own my body.
Naturally these feelings come and go, and my hormones will level out. Spare me the pregnancy is wonderful, embrace it spiels. I already know all of that. I am just not going to pretend to be the magazine mom who feels nothing but excitement. I feel EVERYTHING right now. I feel lonely and crowded, happy and weary, excited and exhausted, beautiful and hideous. It's all there- it just depends on the day. Becoming a family of four is a thought I still have not fully comprehended. I'm hoping for a girl- but a boy would not disappoint in any way. Keep the fucking "a healthy baby is all that matters" to yourself as well. That goes without saying, twats. No one is willing to sacrifice the health if their offspring for their choice in anatomy.
Sometimes I want to invite company over so I can be a bitch to them. I don't see why Girth has to bear the brunt of it when I have so many friends and so much twattyness to go around.
I want all of my food covered in gravy. Or lime.
Baby names. When the time comes that I actually announce it- remember that I am not looking for permission granted, or acceptance. Try not to make yourself look like a dick- because in the end, that's all you will have done. Can't please everyone, and I am not about to start by using my offspring as a people pleasing tool.
I think I'm done today.




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