Wednesday, May 2, 2012

My babe.

Since it is just me here with Riot during the day, potty training has been a task. You would think that a male child coming equipped with a wiener, how to utilize it would come natural. Rest assured-it doesn't happen like that. Getting him to use it was a challenge in itself, peeing outside, yet another challenge. Plus when he pees, it takes his pants completely off. When he poops, he gets naked. He will pee in his small potty, but not poop. He only poops on the toilet, where he jumps up and squats like a frog. Sometimes he pees up there like that too. Since this is my first rodeo, I am not sure if this behavior is normal or not. I do know though, that I have had some horrendous poops that made me get so hot & sweaty that I needed to get half naked and lay on the cold tile before I could continue. It's scary if this occurs when I am not at home...
Anyways, onto aiming. I would think the method of point & shoot would be fairly simple. Trying to teach him is insane. I tell him to use his thumb, kind of angle it , but then he uses his thumb and shoves it right in. His pee stream is obviously obliterated and his doodle disappears into his body. (Yes, we call it a doodle because we are far too immature to say penis). He usually just sticks his hips out and swings and sways his body back & forth to aim it...I'm not sure that this is practical.
So, since he drinks lots of water, he pees alot. This means his pants are off, alot. I guess he got his love for nakedness comes from his mommy. And his love for vacuuming. And doing both at the same time.

I only have to pay him in skittles.


  1. Leslee5/02/2012

    This made me laugh! His Grandfather use to vacuum naked all the time!!!!

  2. ha ha ha, the whole getting naked thing is natural because my brother use to do the same thing! love love your post:)

  3. This reminds me sooo much of Kobe when he was potty training. It was a nightmare. Everyone worked so hard with him at it then I think it was a week or so before he turned 3 that it just snapped and was potty trained. Never had an accident after that. I remember one morning he came out of his room with shit all over his hands and had "finger painted" his room and the bathroom with it. He still gets naked to take a dump. Sooo yea its all normal! Your doing great!!

  4. Anonymous5/24/2012

    I love that you "only have to pay him in skittles" HAHAHA <3


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