Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Things that bring me happiness :

1. The fact that I have not seen any Ugg boots around. Especially in warmer weather. especially with shorts or bikinis. I am still curious though, of the crack like substance in the fur that made everyone believe it looked hot to wear them year round. Or at all.

2. I am officialy a junior in college. One more year to go. I like asking my husband how it feels to bump uglies with a college hottie.

3. It makes me happy that so many people are purchasing trendy items like Kindles, Nook, and iPhones. This way everyone will have one and people can quit bragging that they bought one. No one cares how you read your book or text incessantly.

4. The sun being out more makes me happy. It leaves me less inclined to huddle down on a dreary cold day shoveling Skittles down my throat while wearing my crispy onesie.

5. Rough hands. Dirty gritty working man hands make me happy.

6. Farting. It makes me laugh and I like the faces Girth makes when I do it. Once when I was pregnant, I farted so loudly in the middle of the night that my cat squeaked and jumped out of bed. I was about 8 months pregnant, all huge and laughing so hard I was jiggling. Chris woke up panicked and asked me what was wrong. When he seen that I was laughing, not crying, he kicked me out of bed. Then I really cried. On the couch. Until he came back out to fetch me and allow me back in bed, 15 minutes later.

7. Outspoken people make me happy. You never have to wonder where you stand with them. Unless they are dishonest, then they are just ridiculous.

8. Gossip. Yes, It does make me happy. In a completely hypocritical way though. I don't spread it, but I love to hear it. When speaking to a friend about gossip I heard about her, she let me know some about me. Apparently I had sex in a certain  parking lot. Besides, parking lot sex is sooooo high school. Oh, but when I do "gossip", that shit is fact based. I would never spread something fearful that it would come back to bite my balls. It always comes back around anyway.

9. Imperfections. Messy hair there, a snaggle tooth here...I love it.

10. Sometimes I get bloggers block. <-- Obviously sometimes I make words up too. So, it would make me happy if you would suggest things that you want me to write about or bitch about.

You may have noticed that nothing having to do with my child is on here...this has not escaped me. He simply trumps everything here, and it should go without mentioning that he makes me happier than anything else possibly could.
If people took the time everyday to think of things that make them happy, they would actually be happier...


  1. Oooohhh...who were you having *parking lot sex* with? Dish the false dirt!

    1. It was such a shitty piece of gossip that there was no name given of who! It's a shame. I would have liked to have known...

    2. It would have sucked if was just your husband...not even gossip really.

    3. Yeah, really. Now it's all secretive. I'm soooo mysterious...

  2. Anonymous5/16/2012

    parking lot Perkins lmao..oh it's Nancy..


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