Monday, May 14, 2012


Mothers Day, the day our kids get to celebrate us, our love, and our patience in not running for the hills. It is the time of year we get to be lazy and appreciated. Sometimes those feelings of appreciation get lost in the mail, but once a year, that date on the calendar reminds the men in our lives to get their shit together. Even in the car driving around yesterday, if Chris reached to change the station, I was like, "Nuh-uh. We are celebrating my vagina today - not yours." Well, yesterday I also received something that will probably hold me over all the way until next years Mothers day. Girth Brooks wrote me the cutest poem ever, from Riot of course...
~You're my mom and you're the best
You're so much cooler than the rest
You gave me food through your breast
In the morning you get me dressed
I'm super glad I wasn't an unwelcome guest
You make this a home and a happy nest
That is why your my mom and you're the best!~

It's going to be necessary to memorize this and recite in in my head from time to time. Like a little while ago when Riot dumped his potty chair with pee all over the bathroom and himself. And this morning when we were laying together and he head butted me in the eye. And the other day when he popped the screen out of the window and we caught him hanging out, holding onto the sill dangling by his hands, naked...

He was just a few months old here, looking at that face, I should have known what was coming...


  1. your son is obviously a genius <3

  2. hahahaha awesome!

  3. right after i was done reading this, i said quiet dogs name is rylie. haha

  4. Make copies and frame it and put one on the fridge, one on the mirror in the bathroom and elsewhere and when he gets older and calls you stupid you can show him he really didnt mean that! LOL So cute and thoughtful your husband is... and like Greg said yesterday, he may have goofy hair and facial hair but the man is cool and has a heart of gold and could give a crap what others think about him - we should all be like Chris, the world would be a pretty cool and much nicer place!

  5. Anonymous5/24/2012

    LOVE IT!!!!


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