Monday, April 23, 2012

She Works Hard for Her Money...

The days of nakedness and sweatpants will be ending in the not so distant future. Next year around this time I will be a college graduate, and clothing & clean hair will be required upon entering the pool of job seekers. It has been since Jan. of 2009 that I was laid off, and finding out I was pregnant a month later, well,  I was consumed by the role of domesticity. A completely unchartered aspect of myself, a place I never thought I would go, but once I got there...well...I set up shop...quick. The thought of leaving my beautiful child sickens me the point where I feel emotionally crippled, but I am thankful he is not a stage 5 clinger like myself. I would be a straight up liar though, if I said wasn't excited. to hop into an office, bring home the bacon, and boss people around. On top of that....I get to work clothes shop! OhMyLanta. Button-downs, fancy pumps, and skirts-here I come! And again, the thought of missing my offspring squashes that happiness, until I remember that I will be missed. He will miss ME. That means he will call me name, get excited and jump all over me when he sees me! Selfishly, I am pleased. Girth gets that response everyday walking in  the door...makes me a smidgen envious. To me, there is no better definition of bittersweet.
I guess until then I will fantasize about being a hot ass, high powered boss, but I will also be convincing my husband that it really is OK if I wear skirts to work- that I will practice not acting like 24/7 slushie shop while wearing them. I'm not terribly lady-like, and my sitting technique will need some adjusting. Until then though, I am scumming it. That and soaking up every single solitary second of time with my child. He is after all, my smallest best friend.

"To a mother, a son is never a fully grown man; and a son is never a fully grown man until he understands and accepts this about his mother."

1 comment:

  1. alicia4/25/2012

    whatever... i have worked with you. slushie shop open!!!!


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