Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Mom of A Boy

We have busy kid. He is a wild 5 year old who does not like to sit still. A great kid, an exhausting kid. Eager, full of energy, compassionate, thoughtful, curious, wants to do it all- wants to know it all. My kind of kid, my kid- who may seem overwhelming to some, is perfect by me. People with and without kids, especially not having a boy, or a boy who has not reached a certain age, have no idea. People who compare kids, especially boys to girls- I want to throat punch you all. I think the judgmental people forget that you are judging the parents as well. I think you think your snide undertone is not picked up in your offhanded comments. All of the traits my wild son has will be respected and adored when he is grown...completely worth the trouble of reining them in now. Mothers of boys his age will understand, but all other people should hold enough common sense to at least try and understand. We buy a thousand pairs of jeans a year, he eats an obscene amount of food, he talks incessantly, asks more questions than any one person should be allowed to in a lifetime, shows off like he is his own reality show, and has the attention span of a walnut. He is mine. I have a happy, content child. I have a happy, content baby. I am doing it right. I am not a warden, a Nazi, a drill Sargent, or an old western regulator. My style of parenting is not yours. My offspring is not yours to judge. He is everything I want him to be- should that be too much for anyone, feel free to make your own kid your protege. I am busy allowing mine to become an individual.

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