Thursday, April 25, 2013

Week 4-score and oh my huge ass later...

Well, week four is here. I am still not pleased with the results, not entirely anyway. I thought for sure it would be way more Kardashian than it is right now. Granted, I am about 225 behind. Normally, I am not one for excuses, but a sick household, finals week, on top of moving- kind of rearranged my priorities. I am in the process of making them up, so it should be fine. Even if I have to tack an extra day on. The biggest difference seems to be in the way it feels though, and up towards the top. It just feels more round, more firm. The pictures can't really convey that to you. Plus, my saddle bags seem to be lesser. Which is nice, of course. I still feel like those under ass creases should be straightening out.
Here's some weird side ass too. The side ass itself is actually looking alot better. It's the fat thighs that are really fucking shit up, I think. Better start getting in some walking to straighten shit out. That extra fat between my thigh and my ass drives me insane.
On another note, today is mine & Girth's 5th anniversary. He tapped that ass just this morning, around 4:30 am. Good thing, because I would hate to ring in the 5th year with him not putting out.
Love you, Girthy.

Monday, April 22, 2013

"...stop being a little whore..."

I'm just going to jump right into this one. A man and a vibrator are nothing alike. Just because you may use one more than the other, does not mean the other won't work anymore. If I just want to just get off, about 60 seconds later, I have. Obviously I have stellar technique and I aim to please- myself. If I wanted actual sex, just bribing Girth to put out would take at least 5 minutes. Followed by 5 minutes of foreplay, then the 5-10 minutes of smashing anatomy, then about 5 minutes of clean-up'. 
It still does not of course, beat real sex. The sweat, the smell, the just aren't going to get all that passion by yourself. The closest analogy would be like starving and and choosing fast food or 4-Star. Both will do the job, but they definitely aren't alike in experience.
With that being said, my greatest sacrifice during pregnancy was being made to give up my toys. Girth made me get rid of everything before I evicted Riot from my uterus. His words exactly,

"You need to throw that shit away. It's time to be a mother and stop being a little whore".
It was awful. Goody box, gone. Missed most of all, was the Bullet. I probably could have gotten away with smuggling and keeping it, being only the size of my pinky. But let me tell you- throw a couple watch batteries in it and it will shimmy across a counter top in half a second. Miraculous little fucker. My friend actually gave it to me as a gift a few years before. She gave it to me right at work, and it was on a key chain- I had no idea what it was. Turned it on in the office...yeahhhhh...our boss was not impressed. I was though, for sure. It was the beginning of a beautiful thing, which Girth tore from the depths of my soul during pregnancy. Someday I'll pay him back. Like when Riot is grown up and moved out. I'll get a frigging wall-banger and attach it to his side of the beds headboard. A huge black one. And forever and ever he shall wake up every morning bouncing his forehead off a big black dick.
I win.
I find it absolutely insane if an adult woman has never masturbated. That must be like not knowing how to find your own way home.


Thursday, April 18, 2013

Sometimes I complain.

Why is everyone who gets their picture taken by a good photographer suddenly beginning a "modeling" page? Easy, Elle Macpherson. And also, if you un-Instagram yourself, it's like Superman revealing he is just Clark Kent. A big fucking disappointment.

No one is going to share a million dollars with you. Cancer will not be cured. Sick children will not be fed. You're mother/father/sister/brother will not die.
Free couches will not come in the mail.
Stop riddling FaceBook with this insanity. No one is secretly counting your FB likes and feeling that we are on our way to a better quality of life. No one is over your shoulder ready to kill anyone if you scroll past.

A $20.00 dollar tattoo is a $20.00 dollar tattoo. If you are in a kitchen, 9 times out of 10, it looks like it was done in a kitchen. If you say you got 'tatted', then this is more than likely exactly what you did. If you want professional pictures taken, and I started snapping away with a disposable camera and charge you money, then that wouldn't be very professional, now would it? You would not have professional pictures, you would have retardation. If you are buying groceries, do you want to save some money and get old, stale, bad food? No, you probably do not. You want the good stuff. So, then why go to your neighbor, who just got his first artistry kit, via the interweb machine, and let him etch a permanent practice session into your skin? Of course you can pay out of your ass to have an actual professional fix it, but maybe they will pass. Maybe they are a little weary on being at risk for Hep B, unlike YOU were when you sat in that kitchen chair, table full of food, kids running around, people smoking/drinking, with your un-gloved artist.

Why can't FaceBook just be full of baby animals and porn *sigh*

Just in case you need help identifying professional from non-professional work:

Keep in mind, shit work is alot different than apprentice work.

If you are offended by this, then you probably did it. Don't fret, this guy can more than likely fix your mistake. And I do say YOUR mistake, instead of the "artist" you initially went to- since YOU chose them in the first place.!/TattooMacabre!/tymelesstattoo.piercing?fref=ts

Now, kids- Mr. Macabre won't work out of a kitchen, but you won't be disappointed.
So that means you can have something like this...
...instead of this.


Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Asstastic Week: first odd prime number

So, this is week three. I have to say, I thought my ass would be way more awesome by now. Maybe that's the issue. Unrealistic expectations that lead to disappointment, that lead to giving up. So, I will continue with these hellish squats. They actually aren't so bad, and each week I have been able to pop up & down more and more at a time. Starting out, doing just 20 at once made me want to punch babies, but now I can spring out 40 like it's my fucking job. I also like to think that this directly correlates to better sex. It's got to affect the pounce-pounce of it all. We'll see...

Well, here it is. Week 3;
I also decided to take a second pic, because I do think my ass is looking bigger. Especially up top? I don't even know what is happening...I look wider! Which also makes my waist look smaller...I am getting surprised left and right. Holy balls.
Don't judge my fat thighs...I will work on those another time. They do look weird, making my shape boxy like spongebob or something. Gross.
Also, those that feel the need to judge me because I am blogging my ass on here, suck it. Doesn't seem to stop you from sneakily clicking the blog link I post and checking me out though, does it.
Hypocritical twats.

One more thing, look into this blog:

That is my friend, Chrissy- who is doing amazing things with her body. She also posts pictures of her body over the 12 weeks she just endured, and let's you know what she has gained from it, and how she achieved it. Her ass is slammin'.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Asstastic, week deuce.

Oh my balls. The first week of squats was intense. Shaky legs, thighs felt like charlie horses...I completely wanted to bury and eat my feelings of physical pain. The second week, doesn't feel like that at all. Only my outer thighs hurt, and it isn't even that bad. I think that means I am making muscles, woot! These past few days got a little jacked up with moving and all, but I have made up all of the squats that had gone neglected. I have only today's, and yesterday's to handle. Rolled out of bed at 5 this morning and did 25 real quick, like a fucking boss. 180 more to go before midnight. Taking my ass selfie this morning, I am not sure that I see a difference, but it feels different hanging off my body. Here is this weeks...a fucking disgusting amount of squats later...
And please pardon the massive whorish wedgie that is happening. Hungry, hungry hamburger.

And here is a side by side of week 1 and week 2...
And an unexpected surprise from the squatty challenge...
Again, pardon my slitty looking bellybutton, since I was pulling up my ridiculous boobs.
This is getting exciting. Results are exciting!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Let's face it, Winter time is a luxurious fat ass of a time span. I am not out walking the bridges, or really doing much of anything. However, my mid thirties clearly does not agree with that lifestyle choice...and it is obvious by the way my ass is trying to jiggle itself away from the rest of my body. Tonight I happened upon a picture of a 30 day squatting challenge. Well, challenge fucking accepted. "Mom Ass" terrifies me, and I do not want to lose the gracious "gap" that I was blessed with. However, walking this Summer will save that- since it is more about my thighs getting fat and crowding out that coveted little space. It also seems that I have been building up some "saddle bags". Awesome. This was the first time I have ever taken a selfie of my own ass, and it was fucking terrifying. Now, after the squatty challenge, I am not hoping to see a miracle, just a little more pop. It seems strange to me having my thighs wider than my ass. And also having them struggling to kiss each other beneath my ass cheeks is ridiculous. I feel like I want to go Nip/Tuck all over it with a black sharpie. Je-sus. I want a more defined under ass crease and more lift. So, here it is...
I am not a fan of the way my ass has become one with the rest of legs...not a fan at all.