Monday, July 2, 2012

Roast Beef & Tossed Salad...

Mother truckin' bacon. Why is it so popular all of a sudden? It has always been a source of deliciousness, so why the sudden jump in popularity? Because we are a fat ass nation that's why. How many other countries do you think celebrate an International Bacon Day? Seriously. Now don't get me wrong, I love bacon. It makes many things wonderful; a chicken club sandwich is like Christmas in my mouth. However, I have boundaries. I'm no health freak, and I'm on the fluffy side, but, a bacon sundae? Really? Burger King has made calorie consumption a novelty. Pretty sure that's not a good thing in a nation plagued with obesity. Now there's even more fat in the ice-cream where someone could once eat their feelings guiltlessly. I thought it was piggish when I dipped french-fries in my frosty at Wendy’s. Now there is bourbon-bacon flavored ice-cream, chicken fried bacon and maple-bacon donuts. The good ol' fashioned BLT has been left in the dust. And let’s not forget the Bacon of the Month Club. Which actually sounds pretty cute, I think I will look into membership...
My one suggestion with all things bacon being marketed is, bacon flavored condoms. A generation full of future clogged arteries might as well practice safe sex in a fun, trendy type of way. Make sure they don't reproduce.

Still, the last thing I want to see is some Two Ton Tessie crying into their bacon sundae about how fat they are, or how the world is so mean to fat people. You’re asking for it by being a bacon worshipper. Someone should lasso their asses in a bacon blindfold and lead them over to a nice toss salad. Hell, I’d rather toss a salad than eat a bacon sundae. It would be so much cooler if eating roast beef became trendy...
She's a liar...


  1. Anonymous7/02/2012

    Collen asked me for a bacon sub. I said they don't make those. He said yes they do Gramma Ethan was eating one the other day.. So he is up on the bacon bit(hahahha)more than I am. We are a fat nation because of American Greed. Everything comes down to that.. It is terrible..People are selling anything they can to get a buck in their pockets.

    1. You're right about the greed! Everything is excessive!!It is crazy how bacon became trendy...the recipes out there are insane!hahahaa...

  2. you should check out it's one of the suppliers for our company and they send out a monthly specials email that some times i'm just like really? you have GOT to be kidding me...


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