Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Watching the news about the dangers of bath salts doesn't really seem to be deterring anyone at all. I get that most drugs are terrible for you, but even still, people set aside the risks, for the euphoria of the high. With the bath salts though, you don't just run the risk of becoming an addict or over-dosing. People are doing insane things to others. Like, eating them. That's pretty intense. In which case, you will more than likely just be killed because you are a raging cannibal with no conscious and no self-awareness. How is that risk even worth it? All I see it as is allowing a bunch of scumbags to become addicts. That's the appeal, it's affordable. They deserve whatever happens to them after making the choice to take a drug that alters their reality so much. I must be missing something because I definitely do not see how that is appealing. I like to drink as much as the next guy, but last I knew, PBR didn't make me eat someones flesh. Although I do wind up eating pretty much everything else in sight. Embracing my inner-geek though, I can sniff out a conspiracy. Straight up popluation control, by means of zombie invasion. I  also wonder how many celebrities or rock stars have attempted it. I hope that when they do start using bath salts, someone will eat Lindsey Lohan. Then there could at least be some good coming out of it. Alot of people don't like ginger though, so more than likely, no one will touch her. I guess I can settle for Jennifer Anniston getting munched up.
Bath salts...because being a meth addict isn't so cool anymore.

Examples :


  1. Anonymous6/26/2012

    I like both of the stars.. so hopefully they don't get eaten. Another thing is I had a guy explain to me the drug rage in our county.. When I was a kid Dad was always at the "Mill" (working) Mom was home for the most part. Then when I had my kids we both were working but Dad still was at the "Mill" Now a days these kids the Moms are home and there is "NO MILL" for Dad to go to. Most of those have shut down. So now the 18 year old straight out of High school can't go to the "Mill" there isn't one to go to. So they try and get themselves in a low budget quick fix college and it doesn't usually pan out. The next thing is "Drugs" don't even worry about getting a job there isn't one and it takes the worry away..Chel was encountered with her first salt lick victim the other day it was pretty scarey. Somehow more jobs need to be created and the children need more education that usually starts home with the parents.

  2. It is scary! It makes feel scared to walk the bridges at night! And, yeah, trouble happens when people are bored/discontent. I just don't think it is ALL on the parenting. A good portion, yes, but sometimes people have done all they can.

  3. Anonymous6/26/2012

    jennifer aniston? she's a saint!

  4. Anonymous6/27/2012

    Who do you think that anonymous is....(the frist comment)???????? I like your blog and jennifer aniston,But lindsey who cares!


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